1905- 1907 Genocide
In those years, as a result of the massacres perpatrated by Armenian armed forces, seven towns of the Southern Caucasus were destroyed, 252 villages in 12 districts were burnt, 100 thousands of families were driven out from the districts, and several thousand of people were driven out from their homes in the towns, 10 thousand people were annihilated (N.Mustafa. Ermənilərin 1905-1906-cı illərdə Cənubi Qafqazda törətdikləri qırğınlar. http://files.preslib.az):
Chronology of the massacres perpetrated by Armenians in 1905-1906 is following:
Baku town
1st Baku massacres – February 6-9, 1905
2nd Baku massacres – August 20-30, 1905
3rd Baku massacres – 20-25, 1905
Yerevan town
1st Yerevan massacres – February 20-23, 1905
2nd Yerevan massacres – May 23-26, 1905
3rd Yerevan massacres – September 18, 1905
4th Yerevan massacres – May 27, June 8-9, 1906
Yerevan district– May-June, 1905
Nakhchivan district
Both in the lower part of Nakhchivan River and in the source of Jahri River – May 12, 1905
In the upper part of the Nakhchivan river – May 12-18, 1905
In the mouth of Alinja River, Shurut village and basin of the Gilan River – May 12-18, 1905
Sharur – Daralayaz
Sharur – May 29-31, 1905
Daralayaz – May-June, 1905
Echmiedzin district – May 24-June5, 1905
Surmali district – June 2-4, 1906
Ganja town – November 18-23, 1905
Arash district – November 28, 1905
Shusha district
August 16-22, 1905
July 12-22, 1906
August-November, 1905
July 12-18, 1906
Javanshir district – November 28, 1905
Zangazur district – July 29-August 29, 1906
Gazakh district – November 18-28, 1905