he Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict (on 6-10 February,1905) became an incipient step of the events which have happened in August - September of the same year in Baku. As the senator Kuzminski writes in his record: «it is difficult to fancy more a favorable conditions for agitation against the government, than what have created these events. They demonstrated a complete incompetence of the governmental authority. The idling and inaction of governmental authority was the reason of absolutely openly agitation which has touched almost all social classes».In the middle of August in Baku the armenian drivers of horse-drawn tram went on strike. On 20 August, three armenians have fired at horse-drawn tram, as a result of this the soldier-coachman and the Azerbaijan passengers have been perished. As the same time bell-ringing from the Armenian church, was heard and became the signal of bloodshed. Shopkeepers-Armenians began shooting in the city. There were first victims. The Moscow newspaper «Russian word» has laconically reported: «on 20 August, in Baku shooting has started between Tatars and Armenians». Oil fields were on fire. The same «Russian word» stated: « All square Balakhani, Sabunchi, Ramani have burnt out, all Bibieybat is on fire. A heavy fire is in the city of Baku... Fires have started in separate places, obviously, from arsons». In the end Baku oil fields have been destroyed: 3/4 field properties have been destroyed, 57 % of all efficient holes, 61 % bored and going deep have burnt down. The overall dimension of damage has attained 40 million rouble 1. Thus, the basic result of August collision was the irreparable damage of a petroleum industry of Russia. After Baku, in 1905 - 1906 bloody events have begun in Каrabakh, Nakhchivan and Irevan. In political review of Irevan provincial gendarmerie chief to the director of department of police were the reasons of the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflicts. According to authorities, those were:« 1) century enmity of the nations; 2) ignorance; 3) economical collision; Tatars (in a former time masters of margin), have quickly lost the hegemony because of inertia, lack of desire for education and enterprise -almost all trade and the majority of handicrafts have passed to Armenians and Tatars can not reconcile with it; 4) provacation of geeks of that and other nation, primarily of Armenians »