The list of Armenian terrorist organizations that have committed series bloody terrorist acts in different places in the world:
"Armenakan" party was founded in 1885. The terrorist organization had committed series of terrorist acts and armed clashes in Van, Mush, Bitlis, Trabzon provinces of Turkey and closely collaborated with armenians that lived in Russia and Iran.
"Hnchak" party was founded in Geneva in 1887. The aim of the organization was to create the "Great Armenia" via joining "Anatolia" province of Turkey, and so called "Russian" and "Iranian" Armenia. In the 4th article of the organization charter was pointed out that in order to achieve the settled goals must be chose the methods of propaganda, agitation, terrorism and the creation of the destructive organization.
"Dashnaktsutyun" also known as The Armenian Revolutionary Federation was founded in Tbilisi in 1890. The main purpose of the organization was to create the "Great Armenia" in "Anatolia" province of Turkey, and Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhchivan provinces of Azerbaijan. The first congress of the organization was held in Tbilisi in 1892. In this congress had been adopted a resolution that implied organization of terrorist acts against ethnic Turks. Namely after this resolution Dashnaktsutyun adopted a slogan in which says "kill Turks, Kurds in everywhere, in all circumstances, to kill armenian traitors those who break their promise, take revenge!".
Several terrorist groups were created by Dashnaksutyun:
Revengers of "Armenian Genocide". The group was founded in 1973 and between 1980-1982 murdered Turkish diplomats in Austria, Denmark and Portugal. Another terrorist group was created by Dashnaksutyun is secret terrorist group "DRO" and its divisions: "DRO-8", "DRO-88", "DRO-888" and "DRO-8888". Dashnaksutyun still has been continuing its terrorist activity.
"Armenian Secret Liberation Army" (ASOA) was founded in Beirut in 1975. It’s headquarters in Damask. The organization had over 1000 militants that undergone training in the subversion training camps in Palestine. In the first six years of its activity, the terrorist group committed several terrorist acts in the different countries of the world, as a result of which 19 Turkish diplomats had been murdered.
"The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia" (ASALA) was founded in 1975. Its headquarters in Beirut. But the organization subversion training camps were placed in Syria. The aim of the organization is to create the "Great Armenia" via joining the Eastern Turkey, the North of Iran and Nakhchivan and Nagorno-Karabakh provinces of Azerbaijan. Mainly "ASALA” has committed terrorist acts against the citizens of Turkey and Azerbaijan. One of the leaders of the organization was Akop Akopyan. He played significant role in organization cooperation with other terrorist groups as "Abu Nidal" and "The Black September" Organization. He took responsibility for the murder of Turkish ambassador in Athens in 1980. In his interview to The "New-York Times" newspaper on August 1, 1980, he declared: "Our enemies are Turkish regime, NATO and those armenians that do not cooperate with us". "ASALA" reached an agreement with the Kurdistan Whorkers' Party (PKK) on joint terrorist acts in Lebanon, in April of 1980. In the statement of the organization that had declared in Beirut on August 28, 1993, "ASALA" announced that they will not allow construction of "Pan-Turkish" oil pipeline (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan).
"Geqaron" was founded by "ASALA" in February of 2001. The aim of the organization is to organize terrorist act against Turkish descent political leaders, diplomats and businessmen in the South Caucasus and Central Asia.
"Armenian Liberation Movement" (AOD) was founded in France in 1991. The organization coordinates its activities with "ASALA".
"Armenian Liberation Front" was founded in 1979. It is an integral part of "ASALA". Mainly the organization is engaged with the preparation of terrorists against Turkey and Azerbaijan.
"Orly group" was founded in 1981 by Armenian descent youth that have lived in France. Until 1987 the organization has committed over 10 terrorist acts in the different airports of the world.
"Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide" (JCAG) was founded in Vienna, in the congress of Dashnaktsutyun, in 1972. The main purpose of the organization is to draw Armenian descent young Lebanon citizens to the military detachments, and to organize terrorist acts against Turks and Azerbaijanis.
"Armenian Unity" was founded in Moscow in 1988. The organization had organic links with "ASALA", and was responsible for the preparation of false documents for "ASALA" members in the former Post-Soviet countries. It had actively participated in the supply of Nagorno-Karabakh regime with weapons and mercenaries.
"Democratic Front" was founded in the United States, Canada and Western Europe. The main purpose of this organization is to divide the Republic of Turkey.
"Apostle" was founded by the Union of the Defense on April 29, 2001. The organization mainly consisted of Armenian descent Syrian and Lebanon citizens and as well as Armenia citizens. The main aim of the organization is to commit terrorist acts in the territories of Turkey and Azerbaijan.